Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hands Tied, and Pushed Into the Deep End

Boy is life hard lately.

I work three days a week, have class five days a week, a girlfriend, and a shitload of projects on my table. I have little time for friends (I haven't seen any of my closest friends from last semester but a few times since September). And financially, I'm strained.

Today, I worked 8 hours, then had a two-hour meeting immediately following that. I'm exhausted. All I've had to eat is fucking bran muffin and half a thing of shrimp picante soup that made me gag during my lunch break. There's next to nothing to eat at my place. None of my roommates contribute anymore it seems.

More than that, save for probably Francisco and Andrew--Andrew because it's like he doesn't exist anyway, my roommates are starting to really get on my nerves.

Kyle just doesn't do shit except play World of Warcraft, watch episodes of The Office over and over, and blasts his music. And don't get me wrong, I loooove The Office, and we even have similar music tastes. I just hate waking up to his annoying voice trying to sing some song that he's had on repeat for half an hour.

Charles I've noticed recently seems to be semi-permafried. But he's also proving to be shady as fuck. The other week or so, Loretta and I were asleep in my bed when Charles came snooping up the stairs at, no shit, 5 am. Loretta saw him looming over my desk and stealing some of my pot. As soon as he knew he had been seen, he froze. I mean, what the fuck.

Francisco was the only one who has really improved in my book over time. Yeah it's weird how old he is, and it seems like he has a secret crush on Loretta, but he's straight with me and he let's me use his shit if I ask. Moreso, however, his grievances appear to be my grievances. Last month, he flipped out on Charles for using his shit without asking. I guess he also had seen Charles going though HIS shit in the middle of the night as well. At first, I thought he was overreacting. Not the case.

Anyway, I'm pretty much just venting my frustrations here. It's been a while since I've written anything.

I'm done for now. Sorry for the weak sauce.

1 comment:

LorettaMay said...

All I can say is that I'm proud of you for just pushing through it. BIG BIG BIG hug next time I see you. Any time you need to just escape, I'll be there.. My room is always open. (new one).

It's almost over. I can't say much for the room mates issue but the school part will get better. I blame myself partially for taking so much of your time up. It's kinda a half good, half bad thing. It's good because I can try to help relieve whatever tensions you have, but by taking up so much time, I create more.. :(

I'm always here for you to vent and talk it out with.