Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring in San Francisco

Well, Spring semester is already halfway over. Having just gotten back from Spring break in Seattle, I'm really looking forward to May when I can go home and relax. Not that I'm not relaxing--I have five-day weekends.

More than that, this semester has gone by ridiculously fast. Four weeks ago, I spent the week outside of Modesto. I stayed in the boonies, with my cell phone gone (I had lost it on a stoop a few hours before leaving), and without an internet connection. I felt like Bruce Banner living off the grid. It was also one of the most boring trips in my life. Highlights include going to the hospital to see my sick grandma.

Three weeks ago, I spent the week in Los Angeles. There I spent my time with Nick and Jacob watching movies, driving around Los Angeles, and getting really, really intoxicated. That was . . . interesting. We watched all three Bourne flicks, which I had never viewed cohesively. After that, Nick introduced me to all four Rambo installments within a 24-hour time span. Great stuff.

The last two weeks or so I spent up at home. I pretty much just worked, hung out with Kyle, visited with Nick and Jamie a few times, and indulged in way too much food. Oh, and I went through a shit-load of gasoline. I should be ashamed.

And finally, this Saturday, my friends Ian and Jeremy are going to be visiting. Overall, I really haven't had a week where I'm not busy. Even when I'm here, I'm usually out doing shit with friends, which of course, is why I haven't bothered finding a job. I gotta say, as much as I'm away somewhere, San Francisco is a pretty awesome place to be.

Right now, however, I should be doing something productive. Yesterday, I had a fucking panic attack when I couldn't find my wallet on me. I sprinted around Brannan/Townsend trying to find it. Of course this happens right before a class is about to start. I caught a bus all the way to Sutter, continued my sprint towards my dorm to see if I might have just forgotten to take it in the morning. Sure enough, just as my class is starting, I find my wallet in my shorts. I always feel shitty after missing a class. And I feel shitty right now because it's almost one o'clock and I haven't done a goddamn thing.

Going back to this Summer, I gotta say, it looks like it'll be everything Summer 2007 could've been but wasn't. I think I've found a practical way of paying off all my debt, as opposed to last Summer where I fell further and further into debt. I'll more than likely be making $20/hr on Nick's movie starting in August. The weather's going to be great. We got the 2008 Summer Olympics, which should be interesting. Uh . . . good weather I imagine. Oh, and the movies coming up sound really promising: Iron Man, Speed Racer, Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, The Incredible Hulk, The Happening, Wall-E, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, The Dark Knight, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, Pineapple Express, and Tropic Thunder.

Yeah, Summer sounds nice. . . .