Sunday, March 14, 2010

Combating Laziness

So I officially have about four ideas that I’m developing for scripts—one of which started as a short that I now think might work better as a feature, and a one of which is something I want to shoot on no budget in a matter of months. I think I have the two upper-level screenwriting courses I have this semester to thank for the sudden abundance of ideas. My grade's on the line if I fail to produce any.
Unfortunately, between losing my phone, having to work, and my car overheating, I feel like I’ve lost precious time—about a week. Not much by most people’s standards, but if I’m to make feature this summer the distractions must stop. I’ve already gotten a little out of the groove thanks to my lost week and now I’m dealing with procrastination. It’s my own damn fault. So tomorrow I’m going to wake up and force myself to write for four hours before work. I’m going to do that every day Monday-Thursday. On the weekend I can find a couple hours to devote to side projects, going to the movies, reading, and smoking pot if I feel so inclined.
Sounds like good time management, no?

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